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Despite a growing interest in self-employment among young individuals, their actual involvement in entrepreneurial endeavors lags significantly behind. This gap is primarily attributed to various barriers such as limited awareness, inadequate educational and training opportunities, lack of experience, financial constraints, and restricted networks. To address these challenges, targeted policy interventions are imperative to empower and enable youth to pursue entrepreneurship effectively.



We are here to create excellence

Zero Movement is a dedicated support organization driven by the mission of empowering underserved young individuals to initiate, expand, and sustain their businesses. We serve as a bridge, connecting social entrepreneurs with impact investors, mentors, technological resources, government contacts, and other relevant ecosystem partners. Our focus lies in fostering sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship, equipping underserved youth with the necessary skills, confidence, and connections to overcome obstacles and thrive as successful and responsible business owners. As a global youth entrepreneurship network, we provide comprehensive support to young and vibrant entrepreneurs worldwide, facilitating the cultivation of ideas, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

Alphonse Peter

CEO and Founder of ZERO MOVEMENT